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We all make mistakes, but those made at a young age can color the rest of someone’s life

Foolish choices as a minor can result in a lifetime of consequences, especially if the behavior is construed as criminal. One of the most frequently charged criminal offenses for underage defendants is operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI). It is also one of the most harshly punished. Potential penalties include driver’s license suspension, 车辆蓄水, 牢狱之灾, 酒精教育课程, 货币的罚款, 缓刑, 青少年拘留.

If you are facing underage OWI charges or if you are trying to protect a juvenile from the long-term effects of such charges, the 印第安纳州 underage OWI defense attorneys at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 can help. We know that minors are particularly vulnerable clients, and we understand the stress and uncertainty that criminal charges can trigger, 不管你多大年纪. 总部设在新奥尔巴尼, 印第安纳州, the minor OWI lawyers at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 proudly serve communities throughout 肯塔基州 and 印第安纳州 including, 但不限于, 杰佛逊县, KY; Floyd County, IN; Clark County, IN; and Harrison County, IN. Whether you are only a suspect or you have been formally charged, consulting with an attorney can help protect your rights. Don’t risk your future and your freedom. Whatever the situation, talk to us and find out how we can help you. 拨打812-725-8224或填写 我们的网上表格.

KY Juvenile DUI/OWI Offense Lawyer=

Teenage driving is a risky business, with car wrecks rating as the leading cause of death 对于这个人口统计. About 25 percent of those fatal crashes involve an underage driver who has been drinking. In this instance, the term “underage” applies to anyone younger than 21. Someone who is 20 years old faces the same consequences for driving under the influence of alcohol as a 17-year-old motorist.

Getting a driver’s license is a privilege that comes with responsibilities. 印第安纳州 law allows individuals as young as 15 to obtain their learner’s permit with enrollment in a driver’s education class. You must be at least 16 years old to apply for a 肯塔基州 learner’s permit. However, the national legal drinking age is 21.

标准的酒后驾车 laws allow adults to drive with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of less than 0.08%, “zero tolerance” laws restrict drivers who are not 21 years old to a BAC of 0.02%. That means even an innocent glass of wine with dinner or a celebratory beer can be enough alcohol for a young driver to be arrested for DUI. In 印第安纳州, an underage motorist with a BAC between 0.02%和0.百分之零八的人提交了一份 丙类违例. 如果BAC大于0.08%, then the lesser charge is not available and the driver will instead be charged with at least a Level 5 misdemeanor. 除了血液酒精浓度升高, other aggravating circumstances that can increase the possible penalties include being a multiple offender, 用吊销的驾照驾驶, 造成严重事故, 和年轻乘客一起开车.

There are numerous defenses that can be raised to fight charges of DUI while under 21, such as:

  • 司机/身份错误
  • Malfunctioning DUI testing equipment
  • Improperly administered field sobriety test
  • Alcohol was not from a restricted beverage (trace amounts can come from mouthwash, 处方, 等.)
  • 非法拦截交通
  • Unlawful arrest (no probable cause, failure to read Miranda rights, 等.)
  • Improperly handled procedural matters.

It’s important to remember that an accusation is not the same as a conviction and there are many ways defense attorneys can help. 至少, a skilled lawyer with the right set of facts may be able to get a reduction to a less serious charge.


The 印第安纳州 underage DWI defense lawyers at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 have the skills and experience needed to ensure that juvenile clients get the effective representation that they deserve. We know how the criminal justice system operates and how to use the unique circumstances of each case to develop a thorough defense strategy that takes advantage of every opportunity for case dismissal, 减少电荷, 句子还原, 以及监禁的替代方案. If you or someone you love has been accused of or arrested for underage driving while impaired, let us plan the aggressive defense needed to fight these serious allegations. We will work diligently with you and tirelessly for you. To get more information about your options, bet9九州体育登录线路 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 today by calling 812-725-8224 or filling out 我们的网上表格. The initial consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose. Getting a criminal defense attorney involved as soon as possible is essential for a favorable outcome so don’t delay.


Marc is a 肯塔基州 native, having lived and worked in the state the majority of his life. He is a licensed attorney in 肯塔基州 and 印第安纳州, 他的重点是试验工作, including civil litigation and criminal defense. He has represented a wide variety of clients, and he is committed to putting his clients’ needs first. [ 律师生物 ]


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