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What Legal Rights Does a Non-Custodial Parent Have?

While divorce is difficult and often incredibly emotional, 它的影响远远超出了两个不再希望结婚的成年人的分离. 当涉及未成年子女时,必须做出监护权的决定. Decisions are made based on the best interests of the child. 除非父母中有可能危及孩子的严重问题, 法院通常支持父母双方共同抚养孩子. Most often, parents share custody in Indiana. 与孩子相处时间较多的父母通常被认为是监护父母. The other parent is the non-custodial parent. The term “non-custodial” can be confusing. It might lead some no ...

Can a Trustee Remove a Beneficiary from a Trust?

In most cases, a trustee cannot remove a beneficiary from a trust. 受托人的工作是管理信托并以受托人的身份行事. 然而,至少有两种情况下,受托人可以取消受益人:1. 受托人是其本人可撤销生前信托的设立人(设保人). 2. 信托文件明确无误地授予受托人此项权力. 如果可撤销生前信托的授予人想随时更改他或她自己的信托, they can. 这就是创建这种信任类型的原因之一:它为授予者提供了很大的更改灵活性, expanding, or contracting the terms of the trust while the grantor is stil ...

How is Pet Custody Determined in the Divorce Process?

我们知道在离婚过程中对待宠物对你来说很重要. 由经验丰富的离婚律师起草的宠物监护协议是必不可少的. Most people consider pets to be part of the family, not property. The law sees them differently. 值得庆幸的是,我们的离婚律师知道一种方法,你可以绕过这个事实. 在离婚期间,你可以采取一些步骤来制定宠物监护协议. 这份协议将帮助你决定离婚时如何处理宠物的监护权. We love our pets, and for good reason. Companion animals have been known to lower stress, teach children compassion, and help ease symptoms of depression. When it comes to divorce, deciding who gets Flu ...

What Is the Cost of Probate?

If you or a loved one dies in Indiana or Kentucky without a will, then your estate will go through probate.  You may ask yourself, “what is the cost of probate?“这个问题的答案取决于你的资产和负债的细节,以及你的独特情况.  However, 当某人有遗产计划时,遗嘱认证通常比处置某人的财产花费更多,花费的时间更长. 你可能认为只有富人才需要遗产规划,但事实并非如此.  Creating an estate plan is an orderly, planned, 积极主动地决定你死后如何分配你的资产.  Sometimes when a person fails to create a will or estate ...

What Happens After Your First DUI?

All DUIs are serious, 但是法院对待你第一次酒驾的方式和对待你再次酒驾的方式是不同的.  Any DUI should be a wake-up call to a driver.  It’s time to ask yourself if you have a problem with alcohol, 或者你只是在一次晚宴或职业聚会后做了一个糟糕的决定,在那里你喝了太多的啤酒或葡萄酒. 如果你想知道在你第一次酒后驾车后会发生什么,请继续往下读,找到有价值的信息.  在你被指控酒后驾车后,了解你的责任和权利将有助于你做出符合你自己最大利益的积极决定. Most importantly, you should be represented by a ...

How long do you have to sue after an accident?

How long do you have to sue after an accident? 在事故发生后,你必须起诉的时间通常取决于事故的类型和你所在的司法管辖区.  For example, if a car accident happens in Indiana, 那么,在民事法庭提起事故诉讼的时效是两年,无论是人身伤害还是财产损失.  Similarly, 在肯塔基州,车祸对人身伤害和财产损失的诉讼时效是两年.  However, 如果事故发生在肯塔基州的车辆以外的地方(例如在家中或工作场所), then you have only one year to file a personal injury lawsuit. This example shows ...

Is a DWI a Felony or Misdemeanor in Indiana?

COURTS COME DOWN PRETTY HARD ON DWI CASES, 但到底有多严重取决于是轻罪还是重罪. 如今,法官和陪审团对酒后驾车的司机越来越不宽容了, and so is the public at large.  但是,酒后驾车究竟是由于一个晚上的错误选择造成的,还是长期的酒后驾车造成的,会对量刑产生很大的影响.  Generally, if you’ve received one DWI arrest, 这将被归入轻罪类别,除非有人严重受伤或死亡,或者车内有未成年儿童.  On the other hand, 如果你在过去五年内有过一次以上的酒后驾车犯罪记录, you wi ...

What Happens at a Misdemeanor Initial Hearing?

If you’ve been charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, or a DUI without bodily harm, you are likely facing a type of charge called a misdemeanor. 这类犯罪被认为比违规更严重,但没有重罪那么严重. 尤其是如果这是你第一次接触刑事司法系统, you are likely scared, embarrassed, 当你去法院或其他地方时,不确定会发生什么. What happens at a misdemeanor initial hearing? What sort of punishment will I receive? How do I ensure the best possible outcome of my case? Your first priority should be to secure legal representation. The New Albany misdemeanor lawyers at Church, Langdo ...

What Should I Do If I Was Hit By an Uninsured Driver?

In both Indiana and Kentucky, driving without valid car insurance can result in hefty fines and license suspension; in the Bluegrass State, it can also lead to jail time. Yet the most recent statistics available show that in 2015, 11.5%的肯塔基州司机和16%的印第安纳州司机在开车时没有任何保险来保护他们自己和他们的受害者. A car wreck and its aftermath are difficult under any circumstances. But when the other driver lacks auto insurance, 你面临着一个额外的障碍,你需要得到你所需要的损失和伤害的钱. 这并不意味着你完全没有运气,但这确实意味着你将不得不开一门课 ...

How Much Can I Get in a Car Accident Settlement?

With millions of car crashes every year in the U.S. ——包括数以万计的死亡和数不清的受伤——你会认为应该有一个简单易用的公式来确定你在车祸中可以得到多少赔偿. The reality is far from simple. Liability, or who is at fault for the wreck, must be determined. 你受伤的总费用和与事故有关的工资损失必须计算出来. And when the insurance company does offer a settlement, 谈判是确保你得到你应得的最大补偿的必要条件. 如果你因为别人的粗心驾驶而在机动车事故中受伤, a New Albany car accident lawye ...

Pitfalls of DIY Trust And Estate Planning Documents

Featured Snippet: DIY信托和遗产规划文件的缺点包括不一致, lack of flexibility, asset omissions, vague provisions, and they may not follow the laws of your home state. 此外,他们缺乏对未来挑战和机遇的适当考虑. 

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